How to earn money by writing articles?

There are various ways to earn money by writing articles, some of which include:

Freelance writing: You can offer your writing services to clients on freelance platforms such as Upwork, Fiverr, Freelancer, and Guru. You can set your own rates and choose the type of writing you want to do.

Content mills: These are websites that pay writers to produce articles, blog posts, or other types of content for their clients. Some popular content mills include Textbroker, iWriter, and HireWriters.

Guest blogging: You can pitch your writing to popular blogs in your niche and get paid for your articles. Some websites pay per article, while others pay per word.

Affiliate marketing: If you have a blog or website, you can write articles that include affiliate links to products or services. When readers click on these links and make a purchase, you earn a commission.

Self-publishing: You can write and self-publish your own e-books or articles on platforms like Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing or Medium, and earn royalties from sales.

Writing contests: Many writing contests offer cash prizes for the best articles or essays, so you can participate in these contests and win money for your writing.

Keep in mind that earning money through writing can be competitive, so it’s important to produce high-quality content, establish a strong online presence, and market your services effectively.